通知公告 News
学术研讨会:Generating research from marketing data.
发布日期 :2019-10-18

会议主题:Generating research from marketing data.


主讲人:YansongHu,associate professor of marketing at Warwick Business School, University ofWarwick, UK






Dr. Yansong Hu is an associate professor ofmarketing at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK. His researchinterests focus on the development of new products, new technologies andservices, their adoption and diffusion, social network, digital and socialmedia. His research has published in leading journals in marketing andmanagement, including Marketing Science, Journal of Product InnovationManagement, and featured on INFORMS News and Knowledge@Wharton. His past researchhas won various international awards, including the American MarketingAssociation Outstanding Paper Award and the American Academy of Marketing BestPaper Award. He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of BusinessResearch, a research affiliate at the China Management Research Center ofCambridge University, and a regular reviewer for journals in marketing andinnovation research, including the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,Journal of Product Innovation Management, R and D management, and IndustrialMarketing Management.

With multiple teaching awards from theWarwick Business School, he has taught undergraduate, postgraduate andcorporate executives from over thirties countries and regions. He has served asa member of the Doctoral Committee of Warwick Business School, and a member ofthe judge panel for the American Marketing Association Doctoral ThesisCompetition.

上一篇:2019创业经典文献与论文发表研讨会下一篇:商学院学术论坛:Nonmonotonic Status Effects in NewProduct Adoption


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