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2019年11月01日 编辑: 浏览量:


为推动中央财经大学“双一流”建设,打造国际化、高水准研究生教育,中国财政发展协同创新中心积极拓展与海外大学合作,现已与加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学Johnson Shoyama公共政策研究院达成协议,将于2020年7月20日-31日(初步预计)合作开办暑期学校,并从参与学员中择优选拔两校“双博士学位”项目候选人。进入该项目的学生在读博期间,可以以两篇不同的博士学位论文,在满足各自学校的学位要求之后,同时(约4-5年)获得包含中央财经大学中国财政发展协同创新中心财政学【经济学】博士与萨斯喀彻温大学Johnson Shoyama公共政策研究院公共政策学【政治学】博士,加方会给予中心参与此项目的学生博士生奖学金。此外,该项目中表现优异的学员也有机会获得Johnson Shoyama公共政策研究院硕士项目入学资格。


本项目的暑期课程与选拔将主要由Johnson Shoyama公共政策研究院全职正教授进行。目前该项目从中央财经大学在读学生及即将入学学生中征集参与意愿,最终拟从申请者中选拔20-30名参与2020年暑期项目。

特别的,参与暑期课程并通过选拔的中国财政发展协同创新中心学生,将获得“双博士学位” 项目就读资格,并获得加方提供的博士奖学金。




第二类:中央财经大学在读大三学生,期望未来通过“推免”进入中心就读研究生项目或就读Johnson Shoyama公共政策研究院硕士项目的本科生;

第三类:全国其他高校在读大三学生,期望未来通过“推免”进入中心就读研究生项目或就读Johnson Shoyama公共政策研究院硕士项目的本科生。

其中“双博士学位项目”目前只针对第一类学生开放;Johnson Shoyama公共政策研究院硕士项目选拔则向全体学员开放。


“双博士学位” 项目选拔

Johnson Shoyama公共政策研究院硕士项目选拔











Module 1 – Western Academic Culture and Environment

July 20, Monday, 1pm-4pm, 3 hours

Ms. Heather McWhinney, JSGS Professional Affiliate

Module 2 – Governance: American system and the Canadian system

July 21, Tuesday, 8:30am-11:30am and 1pm-4pm, 6 hours

Dr. Michael M. Atkinson, Professor Emeritus

Module 3 – Political Philosophy

July 23, Thursday, 8:30am-11:30am and 1pm-4pm, 6 hours

Dr Jeremy Rayner

Module 4 – Political Economy

July 27, Monday, 8:30am-11:30am and 1pm-4pm, 6 hours

Dr. Murray Fulton, JSGS Director and Professor

Module 5 – Public Policy Analysis

July 29, Wednesday, 8:30am-11:30am, 3 hours

Dr. Peter Phillips, Distinguished Professor

Module 6 – Public Finance in Canada and Policy Evaluation

July 29, Wednesday, 1pm-4pm, 3 hours

Dr. Haizhen Mou, Associate Professor

Module 7 – Public Policy and Public Administration in Action

various times during July 20-31, 20-30 hours


Module 1 – Western Academic Culture and Environment

  • Objective: Identifies the culture, ethics and etiquette valued by Western academic institutions, with applications to communication with professors, drafting a personal statement, and academic integrity. Cases and examples are drawn from the lives of undergraduates, graduate students and instructors.

Module 2 – Governance: American system and the Canadian system

  • Objective: Analyzes governing institutions and the process of modern government within Canada as a means ofenhancing a student's understanding of policy formulation and implementation.This course is intended to provide a basis for critically assessing politicaland administrative decision making and policy outcomes.

Module 3 – Political Philosophy

  • Objective: Introduces John Rawls’s theory of justice, places the theory in the context of disputes betweenconservatives and liberals in contemporary political theory, and assesses itsusefulness for policy analysis. Rawls’sapproach will be contrasted with one based on the recognition of identities andthe module will conclude with an assessment of an attempt at synthesis in theshape of “recognition justice” and its role in contemporary energy policy.

Module 4 – Political Economy

  • Objective: Focuses on the key roleplayed by institutions in determining economic outcomes (the size of the pie)and political outcomes (the distribution of this pie). The course readingsemphasize formal approaches to this subject, while the assignments anddiscussion emphasize their application to real problems.

Module 5 – Public Policy Analysis

  • Objective: Focuses on the analysis ofthe processes whereby public policies arise and are enacted in Canada. Thecourse compares theories and models of policy making and decision making toillustrate the special requirements of the Canadian environment and examinesthe roles of various participants in the policy process: legislators, politicalparties, interest.

Module 6 – Public Finance in Canada and Policy Evaluation

  • Objective: Provides a survey of Canadian public finance. Students will examine rationales for personal incometax and universal public health care and analyse their impacts on the economyand social welfare. Drawing examples from empirical policy studies, thislecture will also introduce the basic criteria of evaluating policies andprograms including efficiency, equity and political feasibility.

Module 7 – Public Policy and Public Administration in Action

  • Objective: To see public policy andpublic administration in action through visits to governments and localcommunities. This includes one on-campus presentation, two lunches, three tripsin the city of Saskatoon, and one trip to Regina.


萨斯喀彻温大学(University of Saskatchewan),简称萨省大学,是加拿大中部一所著名的公立大学。其成立于1907年, 位于加拿大中部萨斯喀彻温省萨斯卡通市,是加拿大中部最大的高等教育机构,加拿大顶尖研究性大学联盟U15成员之一。


六、合作学院——Johnson Shoyama公共政策研究院简介

Johnson Shoyama公共政策研究院成立于2007年,以加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学和里贾纳大学联合共建的方式组建,是加拿大公共行政协会(CAPPA)认证的四所学院之一。该学院拥有两名Canada Research Chair教授,并在收入不平等与社会政策、治理和创新、人文科技政策创新等研究领域颇有建树。

Johnson Shoyama公共政策研究院网站https://www.schoolofpublicpolicy.sk.ca/index.php


Michael Atkinson

Michael Atkinson is a Professor in the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Saskatchewan campus. He has held a number of academic administrative appointments including Associate Vice President Academic at McMaster University (1995-97) and Provost and Vice President Academic at the University of Saskatchewan (1997-2007). He served as the founding Executive Director of Johnson-Shoyama (2008-2015) and has also held visiting appointments at Duke University, Western University and the Université de Strasbourg. In the early 1990s he served as editor of Governance: An International Journal of Policy and Administration. His academic background is in political science and he has published extensively in that field and in public administration and public policy. He is a past-President of the Canadian Political Science Association and in 2012 was awarded the Lieutenant Governor’s gold medal for achievement in public administration. His research interests include public sector compensation, political ethics and the broad topic of good governance.

Murray Fulton

Murray Fulton is Director and Professor of the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy . His research and teaching interests are focused in a number of areas, including industrial organization, agricultural and rural policy, and public sector and co-operative governance. He is the co-author of a number of books and reports, including Canadian Agricultural Policy and Prairie Agriculture and Co-operatives and Canadian Society. Fulton has also written many articles and papers on industrial organization, agricultural policy, and co-operatives. One important area of research has been an examination of the changes that are occurring in agriculture and the response of organizations – including agricultural co-operatives – to these changes. His current research is focused on governance and executive compensation in the public and quasi-public sectors. He is also interested in behavioural economics and its application to business strategy and public policy formation.

Peter Phillips

Dr. Phillips is Distinguished Professor and Founding Director of the Johnson-Shoyama Center for the Study of Science and Innovation Policy. He earned his Ph.D. at the LSE and practiced for 13 years as a professional economist in industry and government. At the University of Saskatchewan, he was the Van Vliet Research Professor, created and held an NSERC-SSHRC Chair in Managing Technological Change in Agriculture, was director of the virtual College of Biotechnology, was founding director of the JSGS. He has had appointments at the LSE, OECD, European University Institute in Florence, University of Edinburgh and University of Western Australia. He was a founding member of the Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee and was on the boards of Canadian Agri-food Policy Institute, Pharmalytics and Ag-West Bio Inc. He has held >15 peer-reviewed grants worth >$250 million and is author/editor of 15 books, >60 journal articles and >55 book chapters.

Jeremy Rayner

Jeremy Rayner ‘s main areas of specialization in public policy include theories of the policy process (especially policy learning and policy change), policy analysis, governance, resource policy, energy policy and environmental policy. His research currently focuses on governance arrangements for complex policy problems, especially at the intersection of forests, climate change and energy. As chair of the Global Forest Expert Panel on the International Forest Regime from 2009-2011, he was responsible for editing and contributing to the panel’s assessment report, and co-authoring and presenting the panel’s policy brief to the ninth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests in January 2011. Rayner continues to work in the area of international forest governance, including a capacity building project in south east Asia and a European-sponsored research group on “forests+”. In the Genome Canada funded VALGEN project, co-led by JSGS colleague Peter Phillips, he is the theme leader for “democratic engagement” research, working on the influence of public consultations around biofuels on policy development. With Kathleen McNutt (JSGS Regina campus) he is working on the concept of nodality in network governance.



