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【讲座预告】College Location, STEM Graduate Labor Market Experiences, and University’s Role
2018年11月20日 编辑: 浏览量:

主题:College Location, STEM Graduate Labor Market Experiences, and University's Role


时间:2018年11月21日(周三) 14.00-17.00


主讲人: 王清芳教授

Qingfang Wang is a Professor of Public Policy at UC Riverside. Her research interests lie broadly in inequality related to minority population (immigrant, racial minority, and women) and their communities. Her long-term research on minority entrepreneurship examines how different places, which are bounded with formal and informal institutions, have been shaping and reshaped by entrepreneurship activities. Her other studies include the role of university in regional development and transnational migration between the U.S. and China. Funded by NSF, HUD, Kauffman Foundation, and other agencies, she has published widely on immigrant labor market segmentation and ethnic entrepreneurship. Her work can be found in journals such as The Annals of Association of American Geographers, Journal of Small Business Economics, Economic Development Quarterly, Journal of Urban Affairs, Environment and Planning A, and Urban Studies.


This study examines the relationship between place and the career experiences of STEM college graduates in the U.S. over the 2000–2010 decade. Findings show that individual factors are most important in determining their labor market outcomes. After controlling for individual and college-level characteristics, geographic factors, mainly the college area’s STEM employment concentration and proximity to STEM clusters, are significantly related to STEM graduates’ job earnings, unemployment, and underemployment. Women and Blacks are considerably more disadvantaged when compared to their male and White counterparts; however, gender and racial disparities significantly decrease when the college location STEM concentration increases. Through a multi-scalar research design, this study bridges the scholarship in STEM education, labor market studies, and regional development; it also provides insights on how race, gender, and place interact in shaping STEM education outcomes. The findings have significant implications for policy and practices.
