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2020年11月30日 编辑: 浏览量:



Fiscal expenditure, decentralization and CO2 emissions

时间:2020年12月1日 下午4:00-6:40






Spatial differences in CO2 emissions must be taken into account in CO2 mitigation. In this report, a spatial within-between logarithmic mean Divisia index decomposition model was developed by using cluster analysis to evaluate the potential role of fiscal decentralization in driving interprovincial differences in CO2 emissions in China. The results revealed that the direct impact of fiscal decentralization emerged as a major emission driver after 2009. The differences of provincial CO2 emissions from the national average can be mainly attributed to emission differences between the distinct provincial clusters. The direct and indirect impacts of fiscal decentralization contributed to the shaping of differences in CO2 emission between provinces and their provincial cluster average, and between provincial cluster average and the national average. Reducing the differences in CO2 emission between distinct provincial clusters should be considered a breakthrough for the Chinese government. The provinces with CO2 emissions below the national average and above the average emissions of its provincial cluster still have the potential for further mitigation.


程树磊,西南财经大学公共管理学院副教授、硕士生导师。主要研究方向为公共经济与气候变化政策、指数分解理论、收入分配等。已于Scientific Data, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Applied Energy, Energy, Energy Policy, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Journal of Environmental Management, Annals of Operations Research, Journal of Cleaner Production, 中国人口·资源与环境等SSCI、SCI、CSSCI期刊发表论文25篇,其中,有3篇论文入选ESI热点(Hot paper, 1‰)或高被引论文(Highly cited paper, 1%)。主持纵向课题3项。
