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Jeffrey Owens
2019年10月28日 13:37 编辑:


Jeffrey Owens维也纳经济大学教授,全球税收政策研究中心主任,经济合作与发展组织(OECD)税收政策与管理项目原主任。曾被《时代杂志》评选为“塑造欧洲商业的十大人物”之一。


  • 首届“一带一路”国际税收政策论坛:消除“一带一路”税收壁垒论坛

  • “数字经济国际税收政策解构:中国的视角”论坛


Jeffrey Owens completed his doctoral work at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom in 1973. In addition to his economic degrees, he is a qualified accountant.

Jeffrey Owens continued an academic career (Visiting Professor at the American University of Paris, Bocconi University, Italy and Queen Mary's College, London) with his career as an International Civil Servant. He has focused his attention on questions of tax policy and tax administration, with particular emphasis on international taxation and related domestic issues. He established a major taxation program at the OECD and extensively developed the OECD contacts with non-member countries. His earlier work dealt with the development of international currency markets and the implications for monetary policies.

He has made numerous contributions to professional journals, has published a number of books and has been the author of many OECD publications on taxation. Jeffrey's position at the OECD and his frequent participation in international conferences, have provided him with a unique international perspective on tax policy.

