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Shmuel Zamir
2019年12月13日 15:21 编辑:


Shmuel Zamir耶路撒冷希伯来大学教授。Zamir教授于耶路撒冷希伯来大学获得数学博士学位,师从诺贝尔经济学奖得主R. Aumann。Zamir教授的研究领域包括不完全信息博弈和重复博弈,是世界顶尖的博弈论学者。他目前担任The International Journal of Game Theory 杂志主编,Journal of Mathematical Economics杂志副主编,Games and Economic Behavior 杂志编委,The Game Theory Society(博弈论协会)理事会成员,the Econometric Society(世界计量经济学会)院士。


  • 《博弈论理论与应用》短期课程(第一期)

  • 《博弈论理论与应用》短期课程(第二期)

  • 财政行为与博弈论应用研讨会


Current position

  • Professor, Department of Statistics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

  • Founding member and fellow of the Center for the Study of Rationality, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Academic activity

  • Editor in Chief, The International Journal of Game Theory (IJGT)

  • Member of the Board of Editors, Games and Economic Behavior (GEB).

  • Council Member, The Game Theory Society .

  • Associate Editor, Journal of Mathematical Economics

  • Professional Associations

  • Fellow of the Econometric Society

  • Fellow of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET).

  • Fellow of the Game Theory Society

  • The Game Theory Society (Charter Member and Council Member)

  • Affiliated member of the Center for Game Theory in Economics, SUNY Stony Brook.

