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发布时间 :2020年10月15日浏览量 :更新时间 :2024年01月16日


2009.08–2014.12 博士 雪城大学(SyracuseUniversity) School of Information Studies

2005.09–2009.07 学士 中国人民大学 信息资源管理学院


2019.12–至今 中央财经大学 信息学院 信息管理与电子商务系副教授

2015.08–2019.11 中央财经大学 信息学院 信息管理与电子商务系 讲师

2009-2014 雪城大学School of Information Studies 科研助理/助教
















[1]汤健&Zhang, P.Theimpact of atmospheric cues on consumers’ approach and avoidance behavioralintentions in social commerce websites,Computers in Human Behavior,2020,108,105729. (SSCI, JCR 1区)

[2]Zhou, X.,汤健, Zhao, Y C & Wang, T. Effects of feedback design anddispositional goal orientations on volunteer performance in citizen scienceprojects,Computers in Human Behavior, 2020, 107, 106266. (SSCI, JCR1区)

[3]汤健&Prestopnik, N R.Exploring theimpact of game framing and task framing on user participation in citizenscience projects,Aslib Journal of Information Management, 2019, 2:260-280. (SSCI/SCI, JCR 2区)

[4]Zhao, Y, Zhang, Y,汤健& Song, S. Affordances forinformation practices: Theorizing engagement among people, technology, andsociocultural environments, Journal of Documentation, 2020.(SSCI,JCR 1区)

[5]Liu, Q, Shao, Z,汤健& Fan,W. Examining the influential factorsfor continued social media use A comparison of social networking andmicroblogging,Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2019,119(5):1104-1127.(SCI/SCIE,JCR1区)

[6]汤健,Zhang,P&Wu,P P.Categorizingconsumers’onlinebehavioralresponsestowardonlineadvertising,InformationSystemsFrontiers,2015,17(3):513-552. (SCI/SCIE,JCR 1区)

[7]Prestopnik, N R &汤健(通讯作者)Points, stories, worlds, and diegesis: comparing player experiences in twocitizen science games,Computers in Human Behavior, 2015, 52:492-506. (SSCI, JCR 1区)

[8]Zhang W, Zhu S,汤健& Xiong N. A novel trustmanagement scheme based on dempster–shafer evidence theory for malicious nodesdetection in wireless sensor networks.Journal of Supercomputing, 2018,74(4): 1779-1801. (SCI, JCR 2区)

[9]汤健& Zhang, P. Exploring therelationships between gamification and motivational needs in technology design.International Journal of Crowd Science, 2019, 3(1): 87-103.

[10]周鑫雪,汤健,王天梅.任务特征与游戏化设计对公众科学参与意愿影响的实验研究,图书情报工作, 2018, 62(23):97-105. (CSSCI)


[12]Zhao,YC,Liu,J,汤健&Zhu,Q.Conceptualizingperceivedaffordancesinsocialmediainteractiondesign.AslibProceedings:NewInformationPerspectives,2013,65(3),289-303.(SSCI,JCR 2区)


[13]汤健,Zhang, P & Jia, Y. Using gamification to support users’ adoption ofcontextual achievement goals; proceedings of53rdHawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS),2020: Maui, Hawaii, 1216-1225.

[14]汤健,Zhou, X & Yu, M. Designing feedback information to encourage users’participation performances in citizen science projects; proceedings of 82ndAnnual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology(ASIS&T), 2019:56(1):486-490,Melbourne, Australia.

[15]Zhou, X,汤健, Wang, T & Qi, T. Examining the effects of feedback typeand goal orientation on user participation performance in citizen scienceprojects; proceedings of Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems(PACIS), 2019:Xi’an, China.

[16]Guo,J,汤健&Zhou, X. How “task-individual fit” influences user contribution behaviors incitizen science; proceedings of International Conference on Crowd Science andEngineering (ICCSE),2019: Jinan, China. (EI)

[17]Liang, J, Guo, J, Liu, Z &汤健.“Ask Everyone?” Understanding howsocial Q&A feedback quality influences consumers' purchase intentions;proceedings of Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, 2019: Wuhan,China. (CPCI).


[19]汤健&Zhang, P. Gamification andbasic human needs in information technology design: A literature analysis;proceedings of International Conference on Crowd Science and Engineering(ICCSE), 2018: Singapore. (EI)

[20]汤健&Prestopnik N R. Effects offraming on user contribution: story, gameplay and science; proceedings ofAmerica Conference on Information Systems(AMCIS),2017: Boston, USA.

[21]Zhou, X,汤健, Wang, T & Ma, Y. Investigating the impacts of taskcharacteristics in gamified citizen science; proceedings of Pacific AsiaConference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2017:Langkawi, Malaysia.

[22]Zhao, YC, Peng, X,汤健&Song, S. Understanding young people’s we-intention to contribute in Danmakuwebsites: motivational, social, and subculture influence; proceedings ofiConference, 2017, Wuhan, China.

[23]汤健&Prestopnik N R. Toward anunderstanding of the influences of meaningful framing on user participation ina gamified information system; proceedings of European Conference onInformation Systems(ECIS),2016: Istanbul, Turkey.

[24]Zhao, Y C &汤健. Exploring the motivationalaffordances of Danmaku video sharing websites: evidence from gamificationdesign;proceedings ofHCIInternational, 2016: Toronto, Canada (CPCI, EI)

[25]Wang, Y, Li, Y,Semaan, B &汤健. Space collapse: Reinforcing, reconfiguring andenhancing Chinese social practices through wechat; proceedings ofthe Tenth International AAAI Conference on Web andSocial Media (ICWSM 2016), Cologne, Germany, 427-435.

[26]Wang, Y, Li, Y &汤健.Dwelling and fleeting encounters: Exploringwhy people use WeChat - a mobile instant messenger; proceedings of ACMConference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), April 18−23, 2015, Seoul, Korea (CCF A类会议).

[27]Zeng, Z,汤健&Wang, T.Motivation mechanism of gamification in crowdsourcing projects;proceedings of International Conference on Crowd Science and Engineering(ICCSE), 2016: Vancouver, Canada.

[28]汤健,Zhao,Y C&Zhang,P.Moderatingeffectsofperceivedaffordancesonusers’adaptivemediause; proceedings oftheiConference,Feb7-10,2012,Toronto,Canada,pp.576-578.



·国家自然科学基金,青年项目,项目负责人,“公众科学项目用户参与行为及价值共创效果研究”, 2019年8月−2022年12月.

·教育部人文社科,青年项目,项目负责人,“基于游戏化设计的公众科学用户贡献行为及学习成效研究”, 2018年7月−2021年12月.

·北京市社会科学基金项目,一般项目,项目负责人,“基于网络消费驱动的北京市经济增长动能转换研究”, 2019年7月−2022年7月.



· 执行编辑

2011.01–2013.06,AISTransactionsonHuman-Computer Interaction

· 学术服务

InternationalConferenceonElectronicCommerce,SIGHCIPre-ICIS HCI/MISWorkshop, WHIEC, ASIST, CSWIM,InternationalConference on Information Systems (ICIS)

· 审稿专家

Journal of Association for Information Science andTechnology (JASIST), Computers in Human Behavior, Information Technology &People, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Electronic CommerceResearch and Applications, British Journal of Educational Technology,Electronic Markets, International Journal of Information Systems andManagement, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), ACMConference on Human Factors in Computer Systems (CHI), iConference, HawaiiInternational Conference on Information Systems (HICSS), PacificAsiaConferenceonInformationSystems (PACIS), AmericaConference on Information Systems (AMCIS), SIGHCIPre-ICISHCI/MISWorkshop, CSWIM.

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