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    Duration:September - December(before Christmas)

    Course:3 credits/course, 18 hours of study per credit

    Introduction to the Chinese Legal System

    Comparative Competition Law and Economics

    Law, Corporate Governance and Financial Development

    Chinese Government Procurement and Public Private Partnership Law

    Foreign Direct Investment in China

    Intellectual Property Law

    Chinese and International Arbitration

    International Civil Litigation and Cooperation

    Course offerings subject to change based on professor availability and student demand.


    Comparative Business Law Program (“Program”) at the Law School of the Central University of Finance and Economics (“CUFE”).

    To address the growing demand for knowledge and expertise on business transactions with China, the Law School of the Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing have created this semester-long Cooperative Program. The Program excels in training subjects of business, commercial, and financial transactions. Students are able to study in the heart of Beijing, learning about life in China while enhancing their range of expertise to include legal transactions with businesses entities and interests in China.

    Law students from around the world are eligible to study in Beijing in the fall semester with students from the CUFE Law School. The Program cultivates a diverse learning environment in which the different cultural and legal backgrounds of the students and faculty enrich the study of comparative law, and is one of the few academic programs in China in which visiting students study in the same classroom with Chinese students.

    CUFE (and other Chinese universities) require 18 hours of study per credit awarded, which requires more class time than you might be accustomed to. However, class meeting times will not be so intense that it impacts your ability to keep up with class preparation or intellectually master relevant information.

    After the Semester Program in CUFE Law, if student decide to continue their study in CUFE as a degree students, the Program courses credits can be transferred as part of their degree credits.

    Law School,Central University of Finance and Economics

    Address39 South College Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.China100081
    Tel: +86-10-6228-9142E-mail:cufelaw@cufe.edu.cn
