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2007年9月-2013年3月 北京邮电大学 管理科学与工程专业 博士学位


  • 2023年12月至今 北京市发改委社会发展处 挂职

  • 2013年5月至今中央财经大学统计与数学学院教师



  • uB. H. Ma, Yu-Shan Xue, etc., Meta-Learning Enhanced Trade Forecasting: A Neural Framework Leveraging Efficient Multi-commodity STL Decomposition, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2024, to appear. (SCI收录)

  • uR. Chen, E.B. Li, Yu-shan Xue, etc., Spectral feature selection with the graphical lasso estimator for ultra-high dimensional Gaussian graphical models. Statistics and Its Interface, 2024, in press. (SCI收录)

  • uYu-Shan Xue, etc., Enmsp:anelastic-net multi-step screening procedure forhigh-dimensional regression, Statistics and Computing, 34,2024,79. (SCI收录)

  • uJ. Chen, A. Zhou, Yu-Shan Xue*, Evolution of initial discontinuities in a particular case of two-step initial problem for the defocusing complex modified KdV equation, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 536, 2024, 128227. (SCI收录)

  • uF. Yang, Z.Y. Li, Yu-shan Xue, etc., A penalized least product relative error loss function based on wavelet decomposition for nonparametric multiplicative additive models. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 432,2023,115299.(SCI收录)

  • uJ. Chen, E.B. Li, Yu-Shan Xue*, Complete classification of solutions to the Riemann initial value problem for the Hirota equation with weak dispersion term, Nonlinear analysis,232,2023, 113281.(SCI收录)

  • uJ. Chen, E.B. Li, Yu-Shan Xue*, Evolution of initial discontinuities in the Riemann problem for the Jaulent–Miodek equation with positive dispersion, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 419, 2022, 126869.(SCI收录)

  • uYu-Shan Xue,etc., Innovative Research of Financial Risk Based on Financial Soliton Theory and Big Data Ideation, ICIC 2017, Part III, LNAI 10363, 2017, 371–376. (EI收录)

  • uX.D. Ma, Yu-Shan Xue*, On Checking Linear Dependence of ParametricVectors, ICIC 2017, Part II, LNCS, 2017, 10362, 188–196. (EI收录)

  • uD.S. Wang, Yu-Shan Xue, etc., Localized Nonlinear Matter Waves in One-Dimensional Bose-Einstein Condensates with Spatiotemporally Modulated Two-and Three-Body Interactions, Romanian Journal of Physics, 61, 2016,827-841. (SCI收录)

  • uL. Wang, etc., Yu-Shan Xue, Asymmetric Rogue Waves, Breather-to-Soliton Conversion, and Nonlinear Wave Interactions in the Hirota-Maxwell-Bloch System, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 85(2), 2015, 024001-1-15. (SCI收录)

  • uYu-Shan Xue, etc., Gauge transformation between the isospectral and first-order nonisospectral Kaup-Newell hierarchies, Acta Mathematica Scientia (Series A), 34A(2) ,2014, 251-258. (核心期刊)

  • uYu-Shan Xue, etc., Integrability and optical solitons in a generalized inhomogeneous coupled Hirota-Maxwell-Bloch system, Optics and Laser Technology, 48, 2013,153-159. (SCI收录)

  • uYu-Shan Xue, etc., Soliton interactions in a generalized inhomogeneous coupled Hirota-Maxwell-Bloch system, Nonlinear Dynamics, 67, 2012, 2799-2806. (SCI收录)

  • uYu-Shan Xue, etc., Darboux transformation and Hamiltonian structure for the Jaulent-Miodek hierarchy, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 2012, 11738-11750. (SCI收录)

  • uYu-Shan Xue, etc., Integrable nonlinear differential-difference hierarchy and Darboux transformation, Physica Scripta, 86, 2012, 045001: 1-6. (SCI收录)

  • uL.C. Liu, etc., Yu-Shan Xue, Analytic solution for a nonlinear chemistry system of ordinary differential equations, Nonlinear Dynamics, 68, 2012, 17-21. (SCI收录)

  • uH.Z. Li, etc., Yu-Shan Xue, Gauge transformation between the first-order nonisospectral and isospectral Heisenberg hierarchies, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 2012, 7694-7699. (SCI收录)

  • uF.H. Qi, etc., Yu-Shan Xue, Darboux transformation and soliton solutions for the coupled cubic-quintic nonlinear Schrödinger equations in nonlinear optics, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 17, 2012, 2372-2381. (SCI收录)

  • uM. Wang, etc., Yu-Shan Xue, Solitons and their collisions in the spinor Bose-Einstein condensates, Nonlinear Dynamics, 69, 2012, 1137-1148. (SCI收录)

  • uW.R. Shan, etc., Yu-Shan Xue, Conservation Laws and solitons for the coupled cubic-quintic nonlinear Schrödinger equations in nonlinear optics, Physica Scripta, 85, 2012, 015002 (1-9). (SCI收录)

  • uYu-Shan Xue, etc., Integrable aspects and soliton-like solutions of an inhomogeneous coupled Hirota-Maxwell-Bloch system in optical fibers with symbolic computation, Modern Physics Letters A, 25, 2010, 1365-1381. (SCI收录)

  • uYu-Shan Xue, etc., Solitons and localized excitations for the (2+1)-dimensional dispersive long wave system via symbolic computation, International Journal of Modern PhysicsB, 24, 2010, 3529-3541. (SCI收录)

  • uT. Xu, etc., Yu-Shan Xue, Direct analysis of the bright-soliton collisions in the focusing vector nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Europhysics Letters, 92, 2010, 50002 (1-8). (SCI收录)

  • uH.Q. Zhang, etc., Yu-Shan Xue, Ultrashort soliton pulses in the modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation with distributed coefficients in inhomogeneous fibers, European Physical Journal D, 59, 2010, 443-449. (SCI收录)

  • uYu-Shan Xue, etc., Soliton-like solutions of the coupled Hirota-Maxwell-Bloch system in opticalfibers with symbolic computation, Physica Scripta, 79, 2009, 065016: 1-8. (SCI收录)

  • uYu-Shan Xue, etc., Darboux transformation and soliton solutions for inhomogeneous couplednonlinear Schrödinger equations with symbolic computation, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 52, 2009, 888-896. (SCI收录)

  • uH.Q. Zhang, etc., Yu-Shan Xue, Darboux transformation and soliton solutions for the (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger hierarchy with symbolic computation, Physica A, 388, 2009, 9-20. (SCI收录)

  • uW.J. Liu, etc., Yu-Shan Xue, Soliton interaction in the higher-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation investigated with Hirota's bilinear method, Physical Review E, 77, 2008, 066605 (1-7). (SCI收录)



u《行研报告外部专业机构联动赋能服务》,建融投资咨询(北京)有限公司, 2023/10至今,项目主持人,结题



u《“三创教育”实践项目数据处理分析与建模》,北京易知简教育科技有限公司, 项目号:021176123005,2023/05至今,项目主持人,结题

u《基于大数据视角的国家海关进出口贸易的风险管控研究》,中央财经大学青年科研创新团队项目, 2023/05至今,项目参与人,结项

u《行业指标数据库建设》,邦得数字(北京)科技有限公司, 项目号:021176122002,2022/3-2022/7,项目主持人,结题

u《智能模型开发应用项目》,深圳市联创杰科技有限公司, 项目号:021176122001,2022/1至今,项目参与人,结题

u《经济运行数据库编制》,建融投资咨询(北京)有限公司, 项目号:021176121011,2021/12-2022/6,项目主持人,结题

u《“三创教育”实践项目测评数据的统计分析》,北京易知简教育科技有限公司, 项目号:021176121010,2021/11-2022/12,项目主持人,结题

u《基于大数据分析的数学建模在体育运动中的科学选材研究》,中央财经大学青年科研创新团队项目, 2019/05-2022/9,项目主持人,结题


u《非线性发展方程的可积性分析及孤子理论的解析研究》,国家自然科学基金, 项目号:11447233,2015/01-2015/12,项目主持人,结题


u《若干非线性发展方程的可积性分析》,中央财经大学121人才工程青年博士发展基金, 项目号:QBJ1420,2014/06-2016/06,项目主持人,结题

u《我国职业体育创新研究》,国家社会科学基金, 项目号:19BTY019,2019/07-2021/07,项目参与人,结题

u《西城区常住人口调查及推算方法实证研究2019》,北京市西城区统计局, 项目号:横20202060,2019/03-2020/03,项目参与人,结题

u《我国青少体育社会组织现状调查》,天津体育学院, 项目号:横20202151,2018/01-2020/09,项目参与人,结题

u《腔体区域上电磁场散射问题的高效数值方法研究》,国家自然科学基金, 项目号:A011701,2013/01-2015/12,项目参与人,结题

u《社交网络组织结构与信息传播功能的群表示研究》,国家自然科学基金, 项目号:11401602,2015/01-2017/12,项目参与人,结题




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2018年5月 获得中央财经大学基础课教学奖

2017年4月 获中央财经大学第十一届青年教师教学基本功比赛二等奖

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2015年4月 获中央财经大学第十届青年教师教学基本功比赛二等奖

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