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【 发布日期:2012年04月16日 】 【 更新日期:2024年03月18日 】


美国Texas A&M International University国际商务博士Ph. D

美国Case Western Reserve University金融与市场方向工商管理硕士









联合国贸易与发展大会UNCTAD (瑞士)访问学者






(1) “一带一路”倡议与WTO争端网络演进——基于跨文化经贸合作的视角,《管理评论》(CSSCI收录,FMS管理科学高质量期刊T1区)(即将发表)

(2) Spatial Externality of Journalism on Carbon Efficiency: A Quasi-natural Experiment based on Interplay of Journalism-based Professionally Generated Content and Digital Economy,Economic Analysis and Policy, Volume 80, December 2023, 1326-1336 (SSCI Indexed)(Q1, IF=6.5)

(3) Privacy and Information Disclosure: Dynamic Digital Governance in Response to COVID-19,Journal of Global Information Management, 2023, Volume 31, Issue 6, 1-22 (SSCI Indexed)(Q2, ABS2, IF=2)


(5) FDI and Wellbeing: A Key Node Analysis for Psychological Health in Response to COVID-19 Using Artificial Intelligence,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023, 20, 5164

(6) Green Finance and Energy Efficiency: Dynamic Study of the Spatial Externality of Institutional Support in a Digital Economy by Using Hidden Markov Chain,Energy Economics, Volume 116, December 2022, 106431 (SSCI Indexed)(Q1, ABS3, IF=12.8)

(7) Spillover Effect of the Internet on Trade Performance based on a Vision of the Public's Sleep Health: A Spatial Study of the Global Network,Frontiers in Public Health, January 2022, 806694 (SSCI & SCI Indexed)(Q1, IF=5.2)

(8) Distribution Network for the Last Mile of Cross-border E-business in a Smart City at Emerging Market in Response to COVID-19: A Key Node Analysis based on a Vision of Fourth Party Logistics,Frontiers in Public Health, October 2021, 765087 (SSCI & SCI Indexed)(Q1, IF=6.461)

(9) Economic Policy Uncertainty and Corporate Innovation: Evidence from China,Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Volume 67, June 2021, 101542 (SSCI Indexed)(Q2, ABS2, IF=3.239)

(10) Using Machine Learning for Evaluating Global Expansion Location Decisions: An Analysis of Chinese Manufacturing Sector,Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Volume 163, February 2021, 120436(SSCI & EI Indexed)(Q1, ABS3, IF=10.884)


(12) Diamond Model and the Export Competitiveness of Agriculture Industry from Emerging Markets: An Exploratory Vision based on a Spatial Effect Study Using a Genetic Algorithm,Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, Volume 33, 2020, Issue 1, 2427-2443 (SSCI Indexed)(Q2, IF=3.034)

(13) Quality Management of E-business: A Key Node Analysis of Ecological Network in Digital Economy by Using Artificial Intelligence,Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 2019, Volume 22, Issue 2, 166-179 (SSCI Indexed)

(14) Complex Network of Aviation E-Services in the Belt and Road Initiative: A Heuristic Study of Small Data based on Block Modeling,Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2019, Volume 55, Issue 14, 3151-3165 (SSCI Indexed)

(15) Effect of Cross-border E-Business Policy on the Export Trade of an Emerging Market: A Dynamic Study of Institutional Support to Cross-border E-Business at Chinese Pilot Cities,Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2018, Volume 54, Issue 14, 3153-3167 (SSCI Indexed)

(16) Internationalization Strategy of Chinese E-Business Companies,Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2018, Volume 54, Issue 4, 801-810 (SSCI Indexed)

(17) Country of Origin and Online Promotion in Cross-border E-business: A Study of Consumer Behavior for Quality Management,International Trade Journal, Volume 32, Issue 1, 2018, 140-149

(18) Learning Behavior of International Business Negotiation in Complex Network: A Chinese Case Study of Students at International Business Program,Journal of Advanced Management Science, Vol. 5, No. 6, November 2017, 461-466

(19) A Big Data Analytics Framework for Border Crossing Transportation,International Journal of Big Data Intelligence, Volume 4, No. 4, 2017, 227-236

(20) Internationalization Strategy and Firm Performance: Estimation of Corporate Strategy Effect Based on Big Data of Chinese IT Companies in A Complex Network,Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 2015, Volume 18, Issue 2, 148-163 (SSCI Indexed)

(21) Assessing Energy Efficiency of Port Operations in China- A Case Study on Sustainable Development of Green Ports,Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2015, Volume 3, Number 5, 28-33

(22) The Delicate Balance for Jointly Pursuing Economic Growth in Latin America and China,Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 2015, Volume 13, Issue 4, 337-351

(23) Position Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in the Mobile Ad Hoc Network,Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, April 2014, Volume 74, Issue 1-2, 455-464 (SCI Indexed)

(24) Impact of Country-level Factors on Export Competitiveness of Agriculture Industry from Emerging Markets,Competitiveness Review, 2014, Volume 24, Issue 5, 393-413

(25) A Systemic Examination on Ethical Issues in China's Advertising Industry,Global Journal of Business and Social Science, November 2014, Volume 1, No. 11, 76-93

(26) Cluster Analysis of Market Potential in Emerging Markets: A Dynamic Research Based on Markov Chain,Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 2013, Volume 16, Issue 4, 218-231 (SSCI Indexed)


(1) Spatial Effect of Country-level Factors on Export Competitiveness from Emerging Market: An Empirical Study of Spatial Effect in Export Trade of Agricultural Business from Emerging Markets, 2018 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference

(2) Location Decision of Distribution Stations in Cross-border E-business: A Chinese Case Study based on Fuzzy Cluster Analysis in Complex Network, 2017 Summer American Marketing Association (AMA) Conference

(3) Analysis of Complex Network in International Business Literature, IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (IEEE ICSC) 2015 (EI Indexed)

(4) Complex Network of Chinese Companies based on Internationalization and Product Diversification Strategies, Academy of International Business (AIB) 2014 Vancouver Conference

(5) Analysis of Influences from Exchange Rate to Pricing of China Steel Industry, International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE) 2010 (EI Indexed)







(6)参编Security, Trust, and Regulatory Aspects of Cloud Computing in Business Environments, March 2014, IGI Global Press




(3) “全球门户”可与“一带一路”相互搭台,《环球时报》,2023-10-24

(4) “去风险化”或让欧洲错失历史机遇,《环球时报》,2023-7-6




(8) Outlook on China's Trade Momentum, China 24, 央视CGTN英文频道, 2021-5-7



(1) 主持国家社会科学基金一般项目“新冠肺炎疫情下贸易摩擦对跨境电商的经济效应与对策研究”

(2) 主持国家社会科学基金一般项目“中国电子商务企业的售假治理问题研究”

(3) 主持北京市社会科学基金研究基地一般项目“北京市发展跨境电子商务的问题与对策研究”

(4) 主持首都师范大学文化研究院一般研究项目“中国文化企业“走出去”战略研究——基于多元化战略的视角”

(5) 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“电子商务发展趋势及对内外贸易发展的影响机制研究”子课题负责人

(6) 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“互联网金融的风险防控与多元化监管模式研究”主要参与人

(7) 国家社会科学基金重点项目“信息网络技术对市场决定资源配置的影响研究”主要参与人

(8) 国家社会科学基金一般项目“完善县级财政体制与加快转变经济发展方式研究”主要参与人

(9) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“时间压缩不经济视角下非核心企业创新价值链嵌入悖论及平衡机制研究”主要参与人

(10) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“企业异质性、企业生存与风险调节:基于中国海外企业的研究”主要参与人

(11) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“时间挤压不经济效应视角下的企业国际化与绩效关系:理论构建与实证研究”主要参与人

(12) 国家自然科学基金专项项目“增加多边贸易体系灵活性的诸边谈判机制研究”主要参与人

(13) 北京市社会科学基金研究基地委托项目“京津冀电子商务协同发展研究”主要参与人

(14) 商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院“中国发展跨境电商国际枢纽城市研究”项目主要参与人

(15) 科技部国际合作司“中外创新对话专项”课题“中美两国贸易和外资政策及实践对创新活动的影响研究”主要参与人

(16) 农业部对外经济合作中心“对外农业投资企业高级管理人员培训课程体系设计”项目主要参与人


(1)主持中央财经大学2019年“国际商务谈判(全英文)”(International Business Negotiation)在线开放课程建设项目(中国大学MOOC慕课平台上线)

(2) 主持中央财经大学2015年“国际商务谈判”研究生精品课程建设项目

(3) 中央财经大学2023年度研究生教育教学改革研究课题“数字经济背景下国际商务专业研究生教育质量提升及路径创新研究”主要参与人

(4) 中央财经大学教育教学改革基金2022年度课题“思政教育融入国际化人才培养创新路径探索——以“以赛促学”为例”主要参与人

(5) 中央财经大学教育教学改革基金2020年度课题“新形势下国际商务专业《跨文化交流》“课程思政”教学设计研究”主要参与人


(1) 2022年“国际商务专业学位研究生数字经济与贸易案例竞赛”一等奖

(2) 2022年“玉岗龙马杯”锶畅饮用水营销设计大赛优秀指导奖

(3) 2021年“全国MIB国际商务谈判赛”优秀指导奖

(4) 2020年“中央财经大学研究生案例大赛”优秀指导奖

(5) 2019年“全国国际商务专业学位创新创业精英挑战赛”优秀指导奖

(6) 2019年“中央财经大学研究生案例大赛”优秀指导奖

(7) 2019年“全国MIB国际商务谈判邀请赛”优秀指导奖

(8) 2018年“全国国际商务专业学位创新创业精英挑战赛”优秀指导奖

(9) 2018年“北邮杯”未来国际商务(英语)谈判精英赛优秀指导奖

(10) 2018年“法大杯”未来国际商务谈判精英全国赛优秀指导奖

(11) 2018年中央财经大学“优秀学生社团指导教师”奖

(12) 2018年“安子介国际贸易研究奖”优秀著作三等奖


(14) 2017年“大数据产学研高峰论坛”优秀论文奖

(15) 2017年“全球大学生国际经贸与商务竞赛”优秀指导奖

(16) 2015年Global Economy and Governance Conference Best Paper Award最佳论文奖

(17) 2015年“北外杯”未来国际商务谈判精英全国赛优秀指导奖

(18) 2015年“外经贸杯”未来国际商务(英语)谈判精英赛优秀指导奖

(19) 2014年“北交大杯”未来国际商务谈判精英全国赛优秀指导奖

(20) 2006年美国Texas A&M University System Pathway Research Symposium学术研究赛一等奖

(21) 2006-2011年美国Texas A&M International University全额博士奖学金











Energy Economics匿名审稿人

Technological Forecasting and Social Change匿名审稿人

Economic Analysis and Policy匿名审稿人

Journal of World Business匿名审稿人

Frontiers in Public Health匿名审稿人

Emerging Markets Finance and Trade匿名审稿人

International Business Review匿名审稿人

International Journal of Human Resource Management匿名审稿人

Financial Innovation匿名审稿人

Technological and Economic Development of Economy匿名审稿人

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics匿名审稿人



Email: dhuocufe@163.com




版权所有 中央财经大学·国际经济与贸易学院 地点:北京市昌平区沙河高教园区学院13号楼 邮编:102206 电话:61776210、61776220
