Department of Psychology

Zhang Li

发布时间:2018年06月20日 17:00 发布作者: 点击数:

Zhang Li

Professor,Master and doctor supervisor

Departmentof Psychology, Institute of Sociology and Psychology, Central University ofFinance and Economies (CUFE)

ProfessionaldirectionDevelopmentaland Educational Psychology, Psychology of Decision Making

Mainresearch interestsMathematicalcognition, cognitive decision making

Education Background

2003/092008/07, PHD, Developmental PsychologyInstitute, Beijing Normal University (BNU)

1999/092003/07, Bachelor, School of EducationalScience, Shaanxi Normal University (SNNU)

Working Experience

2008/072010/07,Special associate professor, Southwest University (SWU)

2010/072015/07,Associate professor, Department of psychology, SWU

2013/122014/12,Visiting scholar, Department of psychology, University of Cambridge

2015/072018/05,Researcher, Department of psychology, SWU

2018/06Professor,Institute of Sociology andPsychology, Central University of Finance and Economies (CUFE)

Scientific research project

Thegeneral Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China(31470996): Developmentaldyscalculia: studies based on gene, brain and behavior. 2015.1-2018.12.

The youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation ofChina(30900408):The cognitive neural mechanism of class inclusion and vicariant inclusiondevelopment. 2010.1-2012.12.

The12thfive-year plan of national education science youth project (EBA130366):The cognitive defective reason of Developmental dyscalculia children.2013.4-2015.4.

Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China(20090450797): Thecognitive neural mechanism of class reasoning. 2009.1- 2011.1.

Supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the CentralUniversities(SWU1209410):The notation-independent of fraction processing. 2012.1-2014.1.

Published papers (in English)

Zhang L, Xin ZQ, Feng TY, ChenYH, Szűcs D. Physical similarity or numerical representation counts in same-different, numerical comparison, physical comparison, and priming task.Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2018, 71(3), 670–687.

Zhang L, Cai F, Chen CS, He QH. Different neural mechanisms for the comparison and priming distance effects: an fMRI study? Frontiers in Psychology, 2016, 7, 1633.

Zhang L, Fang Q, Gabriel FC, Szűcs D. Common magnitude representation offractions and decimals is task dependent. Quarterly Journal of ExperimentalPsychology, 2016, 69(4): 764-80.

Zhang L, Fang Q, Gabriel F, Szűcs, D. The componential processing of fractions in adults and children: Effects of stimuli variability and contextual interference. Frontiers in Psychology, 2014, 5, 981
Zhang L, Chin M, Lin CD*, Scs D. Flexible and unique representations of two-digit decimals. Acta Psychologica, 2014, 151, 89-97.

Du P, Liu D,Zhang L*,Hitchmana G, & Lin CD*. The processing ofcontradictory and non-contradictory negative sentences. Journal ofCognitive Psychology, 2014, 26, 461-472.

Zhang L, Wang Q, Lin CD, Ding C*, Zhou XL*. An ERP study of theprocessing of common and decimal fractions: How different they are. Plos one,8(7), 2013, e6948724

Zhang L, Xin ZQ, Ding C*, Lin CD*. An application of configuralfrequency analysis: The development of children’s class reasoning. SwissJournal of Psychology, 2013, 72(2), 61-70

Zhang L, Xin ZQ, Li FH, Ding C*, Li H*. An ERP study on theprocessing of common fractions. Experimental Brain Research, 2012, 217, 25-34

Long CQ, Lu XY,Zhang L, Li H, & DeákG. Category label effects on Chinese children inductive inferences: Modulationby perceptual detail and category specificity. Journal of Experimental ChildPsychology, 2012, 111(2), 230-245

Cao BH, Li FH,Zhang L, Wang YF, Li H.The holistic processing of price comparison: Behavioral andelectrophysiological evidences. Biological Psychology, 2012, 89(1), 63–70

Zhang L, Xin ZQ, Lin CD, Li H. The complexity of the Latin Squaretask and its influence on children's performance. Chinese Science Bulletin,2009, 54(5), 766-775

Xin ZQ,Zhang L. The influence ofcognitive holding power, fluid intelligence and mathematical achievement onchildren’s realistic problem solving. Learning and Individual Differences,2009, 19(1): 124-129.

Zhang T, Zheng X,Zhang L, Sha W, Deak G,Li H. Older children misunderstanding of uncertain belief after passing thefalse belief test. Cognitive Development, 2010, 24: 158-165

Xin ZQ, Lin, CD,Zhang L,& Yan, R.The performance of Chinese primary school students on realistic arithmetic wordproblems. Educational Psychology in Practice, 2007, 23(2): 145 -159

Published papers (in Chinese)

Zhang L, Jiang H, Zhao L. TheImpaired Transformation Ability between Symbolic and Non-symbolic NumericalMagnitude for Developmental Dyscalculia. Psychological Science, 2018, (2),337-343.

Li XN, Li ZY,Zhang L*.Relations betweenSocial Support and Aggression of Associates: The Chain Mediating Roles ofSelf-Esteem and Self-Control. Psychological Development and Education,2017, 240-248.

Wu PP, Shao JJ, He,Zhang L.TheFeatures ofAge Identity and Its Relationship with Mental Health Among Older Adults.Studies of Psychology and Behavior,2017, (4), 520-527.

Zhang L, Lu CF, Yang XR.Relationship between the Magnitude Representation of Whole Numbersand Fractions for 3 to 6 Graders.Psychological Development andEducation,2014,30 (1), 1-8.

Hu YR,Zhang L*, Chen M.Finger Gnosis,Movements and Numeral Representations Contribute to Numerical Cognition. Psychological Development and Education, 2014, 30(3), 329-336.

Zhang L, Chen XM, WangQ, Li H.The Influence of Body Form and Social Environment on the SNARCEffect: Based on the Embodied Cognition.Acta Psychologica Sinica, 2012, 44(10): 1309−1317

Zhang L, Xin ZQ, Wang Q, Li H.The influence of constituent integers on the processing offractions.Psychological Development andEducation,2012, 1, 37-44

Zhang L,Li H.AnERP Study on the processing of negation in the category verification task. Sciencein China (Series C), 2011, 41(12), 1203- 1211

WangQ, Li H,Zhang L,ChenXM.Notation-dependent and Notation-independentRepresentation of Numerical Magnitude.Advances in psychologicalscinence, 2011(6), 832-842

Zhang L, Xin ZQ, Lin CD.The Developmental Discontinuity of Children's Class Reasoning.Psychological Science,2010, 1, 117-124

Zhang L, Xin ZQ, Li H, Lin CD.Detecting Discontinuity of Cognitive Development: Routes andMethods.PsychologicalDevelopment and Education, 2010, 1, 117-124

Wang YF,Zhang L, Liu CL,Li H.The Psychological Representation of Spatial Quantification. Advancesin psychological science,2010, 18(4): 560-568

Zhang L, Xin ZQ.TheDevelopmental Sequences and Age of Class Reasoning. Psychological exploration,2009, 2, 27-31

Zhang L, XinZQ.PriorAnalysis and Post Hoc Analysis on the Complexity of the Balance Scale Task.Psychological Development and Education,2008, 2, 36-43

Xin ZQ,Zhang L, LinCD.Ten- to Twelve-year-old Children's RuleApplication to the Balance Scale Task and Their Complexity.Psychological Science,2008, 31(1), 62-69

Zhang L, Xin ZQ, Li HR. The research aboutAdolescents Group Socialization in the SocialMicroenvironment.Youth studies,2007, 3, 54-57

Zhang L, XinZQ.REVIEWON THE THEORY OF RELATIONAL COMPLEXITY(in Chinese). Studies of psychology and behavior,2006,4(4), 312-317

Zhang L, XinZQ.KnowledgeMicro-construction after Successful Problem Solving. Shanghai research oneducation, 2006, 221(4): 50-53

Xin ZQ,Zhang L, LinCD, Chi LP.Change of Children'sRepresentation Level in the Context of Practice.Acta Psychologica Sinica,2006, 38(2): 189-196

Xin ZQ,Zhang L.The Change of Representation and Its Correlates: A MicrogeneticStudy.Acta Psychologica Sinica,2006, 38(4): 532-541

Xin ZQ, Chi LP,Zhang L.Pedagogy evaluation in the constructivism perspective. Educational research,2006, 315, 55-60

Zhang L, XinZQ.ProblemSolving Capacity for Matheematical Realistic Problems.Shanghai research on education,2005, 1, 56-58

Zhang L, XinZQ.TheApplication of Children's Display in a Disappointing Situation.Psychological Development and Education,2004, 4, 30-36

Book in Chinese

Participated in the book writing from chapter 6 to chapter 7 ---Theresearch of knowledge construction: From constructivism to empiricalinvestigations. Xin Ziqiang (2006), Beijing: Educational SciencesPublishing House.


2006-2007gained the “Qiu Shi” scholarship in the BNU.

2000-2001gained the “Hua Zang” scholarship in the SNNU

Professional Services

The reviewer of psychological journals. Forexample, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Frontier in HumanNeuroscience, Acta Psychology Sinica, etc.

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